"Інститут епідеміології та інфекційних хвороб"Інститут епідеміології та інфекційних хвороб
ім. Л.В.Громашевського НАМН України"ім. Л.В.Громашевського НАМН України"
Guidelines for authors.
Procedure for preparing and submitting a manuscript

The journal "Preventive Medicine. Theory and Practice" publishes problematic articles, scientific reviews, original research in the field of experimental, clinical and preventive medicine.

During the preparation and formatting of articles, authors should be guided by the rules developed by the editorial board on the basis of the recommendations of the State Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" and the rules for writing and editing materials developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations, formerly the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts); http://www.icmje.org

The editorial board works only with materials that have not been previously published in print or electronic media in Ukrainian, English or any other language.

Materials sent to the editorial office must meet the following requirements:

1. The article should include an institutional affiliation, a recommendation for publication, and the signatures of the supervisor and/or head of the institution. Signatures of all authors are required under the text.

2. The electronic file for publication should be named in Latin letters according to the corresponding author's surname.

3. The article title should include the UDC (Universal Decimal Classifier), author's initials and surnames, work title, and institution or organization name.

4. The article should be printed in either Ukrainian or English on one side of an A4 sheet (210×297 mm) using size 12 Times New Roman font, with 1.5 spacing and 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Text highlighting should only be done using italics or bold letters, but NOT underlining. Tables and figures for the article should be included in a single file with the text, while scanned photos should be saved as separate TIF or JPG files. Graphs and diagrams should be in black and white. The original article should be 5-10 pages, and the review should be 10-15 pages of typewritten text.

5. Original research should be written according to the following scheme: introduction, materials and methods, research results and their discussion, conclusions, references. Each of these sections of the text should be highlighted. Other articles (clinical observations, lectures, reviews, articles on the history of medicine, etc.) may be formatted differently.

6. In the text of the article, when referring to a publication, its number should be indicated in the order of mention (not alphabetically).

7. All designations of measures, physical units, digital data of clinical and laboratory studies should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

8. All articles should be accompanied by Ukrainian and English summaries with keywords. The volume of summary together with keywords is not less than 1800 printed characters without spaces (250-300 words). Summaries should reflect the main content of the article, be clearly structured, for all articles, except for review articles, contain the following sections as mandatory: purpose of the study; materials and methods of the study; results of the study; conclusions. Key words - 5 to 10 words or phrases that reveal the content of the article, its uniqueness and significance in a particular segment of medical science. The English-language summary should include the full title of the article , the names and initials of the authors, and the name of the institution where it was performed.

9. The bibliography should include works from the last 10 years. The reference list should follow the National Library of Medicine (NLM) standard. Please note that the following punctuation marks should not be used in bibliographic entries: "/", "//", and "-". The title of the source and the source data are separated from the authors and the title of the article by italics, a period, or a comma. Sources are printed in the order in which they appear in the text, regardless of the original language. Bibliographic references in Cyrillic should be duplicated in English (the title should be taken from the English abstract), and the language of the article should be indicated in parentheses (Ukrainian) or (Russian).

10. At the end of the article, information about the authors should be provided in Ukrainian and English: surname, first name and patronymic (in full), academic title, academic degree, place of work, position, email address, and ORCID of each co-author. Indicate the role of each co-author separately in Ukrainian and English (idea, guidance, collection of material, preparation of a draft, editing, translation into English, etc.) It is also necessary to indicate the postal and e-mail addresses, telephone number and position of one of the authors responsible for correspondence for publication in the journal.

11. At the end of the article, the author should provide information about the conflict of interest (e.g., the work was supported by company N).

12. The opinions expressed by the authors may not reflect the position of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board corrects terminological and stylistic errors without the consent of the authors. All articles submitted for publication in the sections of the journal are subject to review or evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief or members of the Editorial Board and edited in accordance with the terms of publication in the journal. If necessary, the article may be returned to the authors for revision and answers to questions. Papers with a large number of grammatical errors and those that do not meet all of the above requirements will not be accepted for publication.

Manuscripts should be sent to the following e-mail address: epidemics@ukr.net. Postal address: the journal "Preventive Medicine. Theory and Practice". SI "Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Amosova St. 5, 03038, Kyiv.

«Preventive Medicine. Theory and Practice»